Collegewise provided me with a better understanding of the college application and decision process than I thought possible. Collegewise’s guidance throughout the process allowed me to really figure out what I was looking for in a college, while also maximizing my options.
I would often be stressed about what I needed to get done or about how things were turning out, but every time I walked out of the office, I was so at ease. I think the most important part about being at Collegewise was how personalized the process was, and how much care and time and effort went into me specifically.
Going to my meetings at Collegewise never felt like a chore, but more as something to look forward to! Everyone in the office is so friendly, willing to help, and made for such great motivators and supporters when it came time to fill in apps and write essays. 10/10!
The college application process is confusing and tedious, and Collegewise really helped with that process. It was reassuring to go over my application with my counselor so that we could make sure that I had a better chance of getting in!

Carla Goodwin, College Counselor
Shortly after graduating from Georgetown University as a double major in Psychology and African American studies, Carla determined that for her, the Admissions process is one of the most fascinating wonders of the world. This paired with her love to connect with others pushed her to pursue a career in the field starting as an Admissions Counselor at George Mason University. Since then, Carla has grown to become the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions. As the visit experience manager coordinating daily on-campus and virtual visits for students and families of all backgrounds, Carla knows first-hand the value of finding a college that reminds a student of whatever they already know as home. Apart from her work at George Mason, Carla co-produces the Anchor Exchange, PCACAC’s podcast. The show focuses on pushing professionals to challenge their perspectives and become more empathetic to the struggles of students applying to college, while also highlighting the unsung heroes doing the work to alleviate stress and bridge the academic divides.
When not drowning her mind in all things Admissions, you can often find Carla singing her heart out at a concert, screaming at her tv while cheering on Serena Williams or her home state New York Giants (yes, we know), or diving head first into a bowl of pasta.
In her work, Carla often lives by the mantra created by the late, great Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Nothing brings her more joy than playing a role in actualizing a college future for a student at a place that not only advances them academically and professionally, but also makes them happy in the process.
Education and Experience
M.A. in Higher Education and Student Development, George Mason University
B.A Psychology & African American Studies, Georgetown University
Instructional Staff, George Mason University’s Honors College
Professional Organization Memberships
NACAC: National Association for College Admission Counseling
PCACAC: Potomac & Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling
CIVSA: Collegiate Information & Visitor Services Association
Important Notice
Our counseling openings for Seniors (class of 2022) and college transfers are now fully booked. If you are a senior or older but have not already enrolled with us, we would still like to share with you some important resources to help you in your journey. Click here for helpful resources including guides, videos, blogs, and podcasts.