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High School Courses for College Admission Success

Should your teen take AP, Honors, or IB? Is it better to get an A in a regular class or a B in an AP course? Choosing the right high school courses can be daunting but we're here to help! Join us on Tuesday, January 21st, at  4:00 pm PDT/ 7:00 pm EDT as we explore the key course selection considerations to ensure your teen has a fulfilling academic experience that sets them up for future success.

Navigating high school course selection can be overwhelming for students AND parents!

With next year’s course selection deadline coming up, now’s the perfect time to plan ahead and build a strong academic foundation for college acceptance.

Join our admissions experts as they walk you through practical tips and strategies to empower your student to excel academically, select courses aligned with their passions, and build a stellar profile for college applications.

 By the end of the session, you will discover:

  • How to help your teen choose their classes: Learn how to select classes that balance challenge and personal interest, setting them up for academic success
  • How to match courses to specific majors: Get tips on how to pick the right classes that will support your teen’s future college and career aspirations
  • The important role academics plays in college admissions: Discover how your teen’s academic choices can strengthen their application and make them stand out

This is your chance to take the guesswork out of course selection and feel confident about the path ahead. Register today!

Looking for more? Explore our resource library.

Ready to tackle the admissions process?