Colette Reid pattern

Colette Reid (Cope), College Counselor

“Coach, you should be a counselor, I think you could help a lot of people with this sort of thing.” Teenagers can be so smart.


Colette has experience as a college counselor at a San Diego private high school. In her role, she worked with 150 kids through this process and despite that larger caseload, her students had a fantastic experience. Working one on one with students in a smaller caseload will allow her to be even more intentional and impactful during an exciting time and process. Colette describes her counseling style as student-centered and transparent. She enjoys working with students to identify the key factors that make each college they apply to a good match. She views college as a transformative period and a great way to safely enter adulthood. There is a campus for everyone, she's here to help you find yours!


Outside of college counseling you can find Colette on a pool deck coaching/playing water polo, chasing her twin girls around or streaming any and all sporting events at home (with a sweet treat in hand!)


Education & Experience

BA Psychology – Sonoma State University

MA Education: Counseling & Guidance – Point Loma Nazarene University

College Counseling Certificate – UC San Diego


Professional Organization Memberships

NACAC: National Association for College Admission Counseling

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