Collegewise provided me with a better understanding of the college application and decision process than I thought possible. Collegewise’s guidance throughout the process allowed me to really figure out what I was looking for in a college, while also maximizing my options.
I would often be stressed about what I needed to get done or about how things were turning out, but every time I walked out of the office, I was so at ease. I think the most important part about being at Collegewise was how personalized the process was, and how much care and time and effort went into me specifically.
The college application process is confusing and tedious, and Collegewise really helped with that process. It was reassuring to go over my application with my counselor so that we could make sure that I had a better chance of getting in!

Mo Dyson, College Financial Aid Consultant
Mo graduated from Pomona College in Claremont, CA where he also worked as a student Admissions Ambassador and Summer Fellow, taking his love and enthusiasm for Pomona and passing it on to as many visitors and prospective students as possible. Mo also founded the Veteran Mentor Program during his time at Pomona, to help raise awareness among his peers and local community regarding military veteran issues, and to give admitted military veterans a group where they felt seen and heard among a campus full of experientially different students.
Mo's longtime experience in financial aid counseling allowed him to lead and revolutionize financial aid consulting in his previous role. Mo's experience has given hundreds of students the opportunity to enroll in college at affordable costs and without the burden of student debt. Mo’s students have been admitted with financial aid to Vanderbilt, Tufts, University of Richmond, Whitman College, Northeastern, University of Michigan, University of Rochester, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, University of Pennsylvania, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, University of South Florida, Duke, Columbia, Wellesley, USC, and many more.
While originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Mo has called Southern California home for over a decade since leaving the US Marine Corps. In his free time, you can find Mo traveling to visit folks he missed dearly during the pandemic shutdown, nerding out over financial aid policy and trying to find workable solutions to decolonize higher education and better accommodate all students, scouting out breakfast places that offer a cup of good strong coffee, on the couch with the family cat and a good book, hanging out with his kids, or on a local trail walk with his spouse.
Education & Experience
A.A.-T in Kinesiology, Citrus College
B.A. in Public Policy Analysis & Politics, Pomona College
Student Financial Aid Technician at Cal Poly Pomona
Former Financial Aid Team Lead at Crimson Education
Professional Organizations Memberships
NASFAA: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
CASFAA: California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Important Notice
Our counseling openings for Seniors (class of 2022) and college transfers are now fully booked. If you are a senior or older but have not already enrolled with us, we would still like to share with you some important resources to help you in your journey. Click here for helpful resources including guides, videos, blogs, and podcasts.